Sunday, May 20, 2012

The last few weeks

Well, it has now been a few weeks! A really busy few weeks! No Hawaii pics for this post, hopefully next time. I just haven’t had time to look through more. As time is getting really close to my move date, my schedule is getting really tight for time! I have had a chance to do a bit of visiting around though, which is good. This weekend I’m thankfully home in Iowa City, but spent a little over 25 hours in a car in the previous two weeks! Alone, too. I’m so glad I’m not driving all the way to San Diego alone (yay travel buddy Christy)! I was able to go to Kansas one weekend and visit my grandma, and see both my mom and my Aunt Glenna who were both visiting, as well as attend the wedding of one of the few childhood friends I still keep in contact with from when I lived in Kansas (Congrats Julia!). So that was cool! I also got to visit my Aunt Joyce and my awesome cousins, Leslie and Jenny, who are all always fun to see. Then last weekend, I went home and got to visit with my friend Leann, and my grandpa and be home for Mother’s Day!

This weekend, the reality of leaving Iowa City is really hitting hard as I started packing. I’m going to be on the road in 3 weeks time. I’m torn between excitement and sadness. It seems wrong to feel them both at the same time, but I know they can go together. I’m excited for a new lab, new projects, new scenery, and meeting more awesome people, as God is always faithful to provide great friends wherever I have been. But I’m so sad to leave the ones He has provided here. Being so far from friends who have known me since junior high and high school, and friends in Iowa City that I have grown so close to even in just the 5 and a half years I’ve been here who have walked with me through some pretty stressful times! And the sadness of not getting to continue getting to know people that I’ve recently met. And frankly, I’m going to miss the trees in the Midwest too. And the expansive farmland – rolling green hills of neat and tidy rows of corn. It’s just so familiar. I really don’t know what to do with palm trees.

Additionally, we had a little going away shin-dig this weekend, so I got to do a fun baking project that desperately needs to be passed on.  Anyone looking for a summery cupcake recipe has got to give these Strawberry Cupcakes with Strawberry Frosting a go! Great cupcakes! (
Note: either use tons of frosting on the cupcakes, or make about 2/3 of the recipe. It is super good, but you will have quite a bit left!